Larry ButelMatt Turecek
Matt has served on the board of trustees for two terms. He has enjoyed being a voice for the members while keeping the financial stability of the coop in mind. He has continued to work on the board director classes and stays very involved in what a director's job and responsibilities are.


Education and Experience

Tell us about your educational background.

  • Votec Diesel Mechanic Degree
  • Two years of Business Management
  • Full-time Farmer/Rancher

What is your community or board experience?

  • FreeState board member for 6 years
  • Valley Falls FFA Alumni Board President

Candidate Q & A

Explain the Cooperative Difference.
The Coop difference to me is the ability for the members to realize that they are part owners of the business. They will get patronage checks back when the coop is profitable.

What are three critical issues that you believe the cooperative should focus on in the next few years? 

  • Electric Vehicles and charging stations
  • Staying a reliable and affordable electrical service provider

What interests you most about serving on the board of trustees?
Being able to be a voice for the members of the coop like myself and to be involved in the decision-making within the coop. Seeing the success of the Coop along with the members being satisfied.

What knowledge and expertise would you bring to FreeState's board and members?
As a business owner and farmer, I work with many Coop’s. The electrical industry knowledge from being on the board these past six years has helped me understand and collaborate with other board members and the coop staff in deciding the coop and the members.

As a trustee, how would you promote the cooperative in your community?
I feel educating people about the coop and how it works is important. By talking to kids in schools and sending them to coop-related functions. Giving out scholarships. Advocating for education to the members of what being in a coop means.

What makes you the ideal trustee?
I am the ideal trustee because of my experience as a director for 6 years, educating myself with the director classes and being involved in the electrical industry. I work with a lot of different coops in my business. I am vocal in the board meetings, expressing my feelings about what my coop members would want. Thank you for your vote and for allowing me to keep serving you on the FreeState Electric Coop board.